Why is this site called The Boiling Frog? Click here to read why…
Who We Are
Two older gentlemen who definitely took advantage of their white privilege as unapologetic capitalist pigs, but whose stints as public servants have inspired their reflections of how our country got to where it is today (“the boiling frog”) by examining the intersection of economics, psychology, history, politics, and science.

Seth Rosenblatt
Strategy and finance consultant. Former school board member in San Carlos, CA. MBA from Harvard and BA from Dartmouth in Economics, which he doesn’t consider the “dismal science.” Spends way too much time with his rabbit and his Labrador Retriever.

Mark Olbert
Former biotech CFO. Elected official in San Carlos, CA for nearly 20 years. MBA from Amos Tuck/Dartmouth, BA/Molecular Biology from SUNY Buffalo. Discovered passion for history and politics through science fiction. Avid programmer and motorcyclist.